2006 (15th)
Blue Planet Prize Laureates
The laureates of 2006(15th)
Dr. Akira Miyawaki (Japan)
Director, Japanese Center for International Studies in Ecology (JISE)
Emeritus Professor, Yokohama National University
For establishing a theory to restore and to reconstruct forests based on the concept of "Potential natural vegetation" and by implementing the theory succeeded in reconstructing disaster-preventing environment-conserving forests and tropical forests, contributed in restoring the green on earth

Dr. Emil Salim (Indonesia)
Born in 1930
Professor, Faculty of Economics and Post Graduate Course, University of Indonesia
Former Minister of Population and Environment, Republic of Indonesia
For contributing in establishing the concept of sustainable development and furthering global environmental policies through various United Nations' committees especially as the chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the World Summit on Sustainable Development

- Information on past Blue Planet Prize laureates corresponds to their titles and positions at the time Prize was awarded.
- Each year the prize winners give lectures at the "Blue Planet Prize Commemorative Lecture".
- Every five years, lectures together with essays are compiled and published in a periodical book titled "A Better Future for the Planet Earth".
- The video of the lectures are available only from 2009.