Blue Planet Prize Publications
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Periodical Publication
Blue Planet Prize Brochure

Pamphlet introducing the "Blue Planet Prize" inaugurated by the Asahi Glass Foundation in 1992. Includes a list of past recipients of the prize.
Better Future for the Planet Earth-Lectures by the Winners of the Blue Planet Prize

Published in English every five years since the Blue Planet Prize was established in 1992, this booklet contains various materials of the laureates, including essays, transcripts of the commemorative lectures, lists the published works, overview/profiles, lecture documents, lecture videos, Interviews, mini-biographies, and TV Programs.
(Not published in Japanese.)
Gring and Woodin's Comics - Blue Planet Prize Fun School Series

We published a comic series that aim to expand environmental awareness using the Environmental Doomsday Clock and that primarily targets younger generations.
A Blue Planet Prize Fun School series of comics show the achievements of the laureates to children in simple terms.
Occasional Publications
Statements from the laureates (Press Statement, Joint Paper)

Toward the Future of the Blue Planet: A Ten-Year History of the Blue Planet (in Japanese)

Published in 2002 in commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the awarding of the Blue Planet Prize, this 135-page Japanese book contains profiles of all the recipients going back to 1992, a short history of the founding of the prize and its ten-year history, along with remembrances and congratulatory messages by persons connected to the award program.
Collected Drafts of Blue Planet Prize Commemorative Lectures: "Toward the Future of the Blue Planet" (bilingual Japanese and English)

Pamphlet containing drafts of the lectures delivered at tenth-anniversary commemorative lectures presented in May 2002 (approx. 80 pages).